Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Dear U-9 Boys Academy Families,
As our season is coming to an end, we hope that your boys enjoyed their U-9 Boys Academy experience and that your family has enjoyed being part of our community.  I think that I speak for the U-9 parent Directors and our Red Bulls’ coaches when I say that it has been a joy watching our U-9 boys develop and hone their soccer skills in practice and apply the skills learned in the competitive arena of travel soccer.  We are all very proud of how our boys have thrived and want to continue our momentum forward as we transition into U-10 travel soccer in the fall. 
Unless you tell us otherwise, we will consider all of our current U9 players for next year’s U10 group. 

1.  If you would like for your son to join the U-10 Academy, simply visit the link below to register him and place will be secured.
Registration Procedure

If you know that your son will be joining the U-10 Boys Academy and you want to assure your son his spot, you must formally log in to your account and register your child at:

2.  If you know that your son will not be joining the U-10 Boys Academy, we ask that you please notify us ASAP directly confirming that your son will not be returning for U-10.

We are extremely proud of the development of our players and the chemistry developed amongst our parents, teams and coaches as part of the U-9 Boys Academy community.  We look forward to working with your sons in the 2011/2012 U-10 Boys Academy!
Warm regards,
Charlie, Bill and Pam

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