Monday, May 9, 2011


Dear U-9 Boys Academy Families,
We hope that your boys are enjoying their U-9 Boys Academy experience.  I think that I speak for the U-9 parent Directors and our Red Bulls’ coaches when I say that it has been a joy watching our U-9 boys develop and hone their soccer skills in practice and apply the skills learned in the competitive arena of travel soccer.  We are all very proud of how our boys are thriving and want to continue our momentum forward as we transition into U-10 travel soccer in the fall. 
Tryout Information/Evaluation for U-10
Some of you may have received a message from MUSC regarding the tryout process.  Unless you tell us otherwise, we will consider all of our current U9 players for next year’s U10 group.  As always, the qualities we are looking for are 1) enthusiasm for the game, 2) potential for soccer development, and 3) fit within our group.
The current players will not have a formal tryout session since we already know them.  For new players, attendance at tryouts is needed for a complete evaluation of a player’s abilities.  MUSC has implemented a rolling tryout process in the Spring of 2011 that will allow players to tryout at one or two of our training sessions.  You may see some new kids at some of our training sessions who are trying out for the fall.  We will keep the number at any given practice down to a couple so that it does not in any way disrupt our group training or chemistry.
Continued Growth
We are extremely proud of the development of our players and the chemistry developed amongst our parents, teams and coaches.  We would like to continue to build our group and would like to have enough players to field three teams in the fall.  The benefit of three teams would be smaller rosters per team and more playing time during games for each player. We would greatly appreciate your continued support of our program and invite you to refer friends and family with boys in the U-10 age range to us for consideration.  We believe that our U-9 families are our best ambassadors because they have first-hand knowledge of and experience with our soccer program and community. 
Warm regards,
Charlie, Bill and Pam

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