Tuesday, December 13, 2011

from Saturday, December 10, 2011

Good morning,

Game 1pm tomorrow. Wear blue but bring white jersey in case.

About last Saturday: We thought the boys played well, particularly since this was their first time together with a new kind of ball, court and format. Regarding tactics ... we started the first half with a box-like formation: two defenders and two forward. We noted defensive confusion since kids were not shifting over to cover for another defensive player who may have moved up to join the midfield. At halftime we switched to a diamond: one defensive player back, two midfielders wide and one attacker at the point. One goal was to create more passing triangles: two passing options for the person with the ball. The advantages were more consistency on defense and more pressure for the attack. The disadvantage is that one defender can get overwhelmed so other players need to hustle run back. We will try the diamond again this week but encourage the kids to keep the formation tighter; that is, not rush forward when we are in position but come back to the person with the ball to give him options.

Please let me know whether your player(s) will play.



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