Friday, October 28, 2011

Montclair United Rec Futsal

Editor's note: This is my personal opinion as a parent, not an official team statement, though my son Giancarlo sometimes complained about Rec Futsal I saw his skills increase from playing the game, which forces the players to depend on their skills and passing rather than speed and strength, as they can do on the wide open pitches of outdoor soccer. My two cents is to aid your child's soccer development sign them up for additional Winter & Summer training and Rec leagues to get them as many touches on the ball, since there are so few oppurtunities for them to play pick up soccer games now a days with everyone's busy schedules and most of our children's activities having to planned in advance.

Dear MUSC families,

Winter Futsal registration is now open and online at the MUSC website. Simply log on to your account, and the available divisions will appear for your players. We have new divisions open this year: Futsal is now available to middle schoolers! All Town and Travel players, as well as players new to soccer, are welcome and encouraged.

Please note, this program always fills up well before the deadline, so you'll probably want to register early. The fee is $50. This is a coed program.

Divisions are grouped by grade: 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, and 7th/8th. But, as elegibility is determined by birthdate, more than one option may appear for your player. (There is some overlap.) Select the appropriate division, providing you register your child for a division at, or in a very few cases, above his or her actual grade. (No registrations in divisions below the child's real grade level.) Kindergarteners may be registered for the 1st/2nd grade division at parents' discretion.

We need, as always, head coach and assistant coach volunteers. This is an easy gig! One hour every Saturday morning or afternoon for a few weeks, with duties shared among two or three parents. You monitor subs, make sure everyone plays equal time, encourage your players, and tie their shoes. The referees will handle the rest.

We also need a commissioner for each division. This is a practical necessity since we're expanding to a new location (the Northeast Elementary gym). Another easy gig! You'll distribute the prepacked and bundled uniforms to each coach in your group on opening day, and then during the season, you'll have a set of futsal balls for the early-game coach in your group to pick up from you, and the last-game coach to drop off on your doorstep after. You'll let me know of any issues that arise, and we'll work them out. That's it.

Looking forward to seeing you and your players on the Futsal court!

Randy Gentry
Futsal Coordinator

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